Meg Satrom

Meg has nearly two decades of experience in communications, policy development, and coaching roles. Since launching her own business in 2018, she has coached and partnered with lawyers and other professionals helping them navigate the complex demands of their professional and personal lives. Her coaching practice is rooted in empathy and frequently draws on mindfulness, Stoicism, and understanding what is and is not within a person’s control. She appreciates helping clients identify new ways to handle life’s stressors, and she emphasizes building work-life harmony rather than balance.

Meg grounds her coaching practice in the real and practical realities her clients face —  she understands that finding time to work on self is often the most difficult challenge in their day-to-day lives, and she works to offer pragmatic solutions based on her own experiences during law school managing a full course load, a full-time job, and a chronic health condition. Meg has lived with type-1 diabetes for more than 35 years, and she understands how life’s stressors can force us to feel unbalanced, unhealthy, and unmoored. Her goal is to help clients find their footing and develop healthy thinking patterns and practices that enable them to grow and flourish regardless of the stress they may be facing.

As a licensed attorney with a depth of communications experience, Meg’s past work includes work at a nationally recognized nonprofit, as Editor of a trade publication, and as director of client services for an international law firm. Her nonprofit work includes serving as the director of communications for a national organization focused on increasing diversity in the law. She also regularly consults with nonprofit and policy organizations on issue-specific communications and marketing campaigns. Meg holds a bachelor's degrees in English and Psychology from the University of Denver, a Master of Fine Arts in poetry from the Iowa Writer's Workshop at the University of Iowa, as well as a law degree from the University of Denver.