Successfully navigating stress, anxiety and complex challenges in your daily life.

Resilience and Mindfulness Coaching for Teams and Individuals

There will always be stress–project deadlines, billable hours, prospects to call, employee reviews, quarterly and annual closings, on top of our personal lives–health issues, relationship challenges, and managing a family.

The examples of stress are endless. When stressed, individuals commonly become reactive and distracted, which can lead to poor focus and productivity, low morale and increased sick time. In contrast, individuals with high levels of resilience are able to persevere and remain engaged and productive.Mindfulness at work can support resilience by equipping team members with the ability to understand their emotions, their level of stress, and their ability to influence both. Mindfulness training enables individuals to respond to difficult situations more effectively and has been shown to minimize stress and burnout. Research has shown that those who practice mindfulness experience higher levels of well-being through improved emotional resilience, better work-life balance, and higher job performance ratings. In addition, the power of mindfulness can positively affect the team and the entire enterprise.

Mindfulness training benefits include:

  • Increased productivity, resilience, and focus
  • Reduction of stress, burnout and absenteeism
  • Diminished anxiety and mental health challenges
  • Higher levels of associate happiness, well-being and engagement
  • Enhanced sense of global diversity, community, inclusion and belonging
  • Higher levels of retention
  • Increased ROI for employers

Coaching Services

Designed to get results.
Whether in a workshop setting, in a group or one-on-one.

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Mindfulness and Resilience Training Workshops

Our Mindfulness workshops are custom-tailored to deliver the results you are seeking. The workshops are available both as an introductory 60-90 minute session and as multi-session training workshops. Each option is designed around your company’s specific needs, goals and challenges. The goal of these workshops is to bring awareness to each participant and teach them how to incorporate a regular meditation/mindfulness practice into their daily lives- for consistency is where change happens.  All participants of workshops have direct access to the facilitator and are encouraged to reach out with questions and concerns. Workshops can also be paired with one-on-one and team coaching.

Team Coaching

Why is mindfulness important for an organization's wellness?

From stress reduction to the importance of psychological safety in the workplace, many companies are seeking tools to help their employees. Our mindfulness training is tailored to your team’s immediate needs. While it is valuable to begin by determining the objective of mindfulness interventions, many organizations have also achieved strong results by starting with a small pilot program, such as providing a mindfulness course to senior leadership. As more companies implement mindfulness into their wellness programs, we are seeing decreased stress levels and improved focus, thoughtfulness, decision-making abilities and overall well-being. This in turn reduces absenteeism, increases trust in leadership, and boosts employee engagement.

One-on-One Coaching

No matter where you are on your path, mindfulness training is a powerful tool that can help you on your path, whether you are actively engaged in executive, career and transition coaching, or you have not yet embarked on this path.  Working with our mindfulness coach can help you develop a mindfulness practice which you can apply to all areas of your life. By honing your emotional intelligence and stress management skills, you will not only enhance your personal success, but also foster better relationships and become more adept at conflict resolution.Our one-on-one coaching provides focused and effective support.  Coaching is available locally in Denver and Boulder, and nationally and internationally via video conferencing

Workshop Information

Introductory Workshop

This 60 or 90 minute introductory session in mindfulness meditation is for anyone, with or without previous mindfulness experience. It is an interactive and dynamic session.  We will discuss the science behind mindfulness and meditation, and how it helps regulate stress and our reactions to it.  Participants are encouraged to practice beyond the workshop in their daily lives, and perhaps together as a group.

Multi-Session Workshops

The work we do in and out of these sessions requires effort and consistency. True transformation through mindfulness and meditation can only be of lasting value if one has the discipline to practice regularly. The series workshops offer the unique opportunity to check in, review the content, and practice from the previous workshop. Each session will build on each other. These workshops can be scheduled weekly, monthly or once a quarter.

Headshot Lori Schlotzhauer

Lori Schlotzhauer

Director of the VIM Mindfulness Team

Our Director of Mindfulness is trained in evidence-based Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which is considered the “gold standard” of meditation. She has over 15 years in teaching mindfulness and stress reduction workshops. She provides customized live and virtual mindfulness workshops of varying lengths to help employees (from staff level to executive level) better manage stress, experience less overwhelm and burnout and greater job satisfaction.  We take pride in knowing that we are on the cutting edge by offering these services to individuals and companies and creating an impact both in the employees’ overall well-being and also to the company’s bottom line.

Meet Lori
If you’re ready to get started, take advantage of our complimentary 30 min Coaching Session.

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Meditation for Business and Life.
Sharing a pragmatic process to attain greater clarity in our lives, better relationships, and increased focus.

VIM Meditation

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