Tonya Young

Tonya’s deep care for her clients allows her to connect in ways that help her clients navigate through change, be supported in tough times, and experience new breakthroughs when they are stuck. She embodies a tremendous love for providing support to others, helping her clients find a better sense of balance in their lives and honoring what is important to them. She enjoys breaking down the Inner Critic’s often unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, allowing space for its intentions and loosening its grip on the psyche.

Tonya’s career coaching skills include working with clients struggling to find more connection and purpose, providing an insightful framework for a deeper understanding of their personality, teaching coping mechanisms for the hardships of life, and support in releasing their perceived limitations. She helps her clients get more centered, with a focus on reflection, self-care practices, and exercises. She assists with checking the fit of their current behaviors against their long-term goals. Tonya acknowledges that with any coaching topic or engagement, the first step is awareness.

Some of Tonya’s favorite work is helping individuals seek career clarity or find their true vocation. She has had significant success guiding clients on how to work smarter and function at a higher level, improve efficiency and time management, earn promotions, and maintain a healthy work/life balance. Her work often can segue into team coaching, where the focus might be on addressing disengagement, internal conflicts, and problems with motivation and productivity with struggling business teams. She focuses on the team as a whole, while also identifying individual coaching needs when they present.

Tonya has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and is a Certified Integral Coach through New Ventures West. Additionally, through an extensive background in corporate benefits consulting, she has learned valuable relationship-building and negotiation skills, along with expertise in leadership and management.

Tonya enjoys an active family life near Denver, CO with her husband, three daughters, and their many pets. She has an endless enthusiasm for continued learning, a commitment to openness, and is devoted to helping others.  She feels that she is on an adventure of wisdom pursuit along with her clients, and recognizes what each one teaches her in return.