Mind Map: My Search For A Meaningful & Authentic Career Path

Left Side: My Current Endeavor

As we continue to build your mind map, My Search For A Meaningful & Authentic Career Path, our first key exploration point on the left side will be: My Current Endeavor (on the upper left) and our second key exploration point will be: What Are My Choices? (lower left).

Quiet zone sign
Pen and paperThinking cloudWriting

As before, you will want to give yourself an opportunity to deeply reflect and write your thoughts and feelings as you go through this process. Begin by going to your quiet space with pen and paper in hand and gently focus on your thoughts and feelings. As always, if at any time you are feeling stuck, please reach out to your coach.

My Current Endeavor

We will begin with a deep exploration of My Current Endeavor through the five primary reflection points (purple) that follow:


In What Way Is It Consistent With What I Am Seeking?

As we begin your exploration of your current path with your current company, we are going to look at the ways in which it is consistent with what you are seeking. First, write down the aspects that are consistent:

Aspects That Are Consistent:




Now, write down the aspects that are inconsistent with what you are seeking to obtain in your life and work.

Aspects Not Consistent:




Lastly, ask yourself, “What is my part in this?”. Record your thoughts below.

What Is My Part In This?:



If you have any questions, please reach out to your coach and they will assist you.

What Do I Value Most In This Endeavor

Deeply reflect on what you value about your current endeavor and write down your thoughts.




How Can I Expand These Values?

Gently focus on what you discovered you value about your current company. Now, ask yourself, “Can I expand these values?”. Write down what you discover.




What Are The Primary Frustrations I Experience?

What frustrations do you experience with your current endeavor? Which stand out?  Record those below:






What Is The Outcome For Me Should I Continue This Current Path?

If you continue on your current path, where do you think it will lead?

Sit with this. When you are ready, print the Left 1/2 wireframe map and write the above down on your printed map. Please take a photo of your completed upper Left 1/2 Map and send it to your coach.