Mind Map: My Search For A Meaningful & Authentic Career Path

What Are My Choices?

We will continue on the left side of the map with the second key exploration point, What Are My Choices?. Here, you will consider the choices you currently have through three primary reflection points (purple).

Quiet zone sign
Pen and paperThinking cloudWriting

As before, you will want to give yourself an opportunity to deeply reflect and write your thoughts and feelings as you go through this process. Begin by going to your quiet space with pen and paper in hand and gently focus on your thoughts and feelings. If you have any questions, please reach out to your coach.

What Are My Choices?

Give My Best To My Current Situation

At this moment, you have the opportunity to decide to give your best to your current endeavor and situation. In your commitment to your decision, it is critical that you fully accept where you are and let go of any regrets.

Record your thoughts:

What Other Endeavors Would Fulfill Me?

Give yourself time to deeply reflect on what you have learned up to this point. Now, record potential endeavors that would fulfill you. Write at least 3 down.




Do Any Of The Above Align, Compliment Or Mirror My Current Endeavor?:

What Do I Feel Inside When I Visualize Myself Fulfilling Each Endeavor?:

Take time to visualize yourself fulfilling each endeavor. Take as long as you need to fully connect with each endeavor. Please write down what you feel with each below:

Endeavor 1:

Endeavor 2:

Endeavor 3:

What Emotions Am I Feeling?:

As you explore what you are feeling inside when visualizing yourself fulfilling each endeavor, notice what emotions you are feeling with each endeavor and in general. Record them below.

Are These Aligned With My...

Next, visualize the first endeavor and ask yourself, “Is this aligned with my values, my skills, my talents and my vision?”. Do this for each endeavor. This is a very important step. Take your time to gently reflect with each one. Please record your thoughts for each endeavor below.

Endeavor 1: Is This Aligned With My….





Endeavor 2: Is This Aligned With My….





Endeavor 3: Is This Aligned With My….





Lastly, gently focus on each endeavor. Now, ask yourself, “Which feels like the best fit?” and write it down. If you need clarity, please let your coach know, and they can assist you.

Which Endeavor Feels Like The Best Fit?:


Now, gently focus on your new vision and think about what you need to take into consideration.  Give yourself time to deeply reflect on these considerations and write them down.


Current Needs:



Future Needs:




Sit with this. When you are ready, write these down on your Left 1/2 wireframe map.

Your Right 1/2 and Left 1/2 wireframe maps are now complete. Next, please print out the Whole Map and transfer your handwritten ideas from both 1/2 maps to your whole wireframe map. Please take one photo of your completed lower Left 1/2 Map and one of your completed Whole Map, and send them to your coach.


You have now completed your My Search For A Meaningful & Authentic Career Path mind map and have clarity of your new vision, your new path. The final question to explore is “What is the next right thing for me to do?”.  This will help you create your interim path, and thus begin to bring your vision to your life and take your career path to the next level.