Our Team Coaching Process

Our approach is grounded in a practice of mindfulness. We add immediate value to teams within your organization through our proprietary coaching methods, exercises, and strategies which are backed by neuroscience. Because everyone’s needs are unique, we tailor our work specifically for your team in order to:

  • Improve Team Communication, Decision-Making, and Conflict Management
  • Clarify Common Goals and Values
  • Learn Complex Problem-Solving Skills
  • Develop Self/Team Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

Your journey to creating a more engaged, productive and cohesive team begins with a thorough introduction, assessment, and goal identification process during which we lay the foundation for the work ahead and determine a schedule or time frame.

Through our facilitation, and each individual’s personal growth, your team will become more engaged and energized, while achieving high performance and strong leadership.

Contact us to schedule your initial call
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Learn more about our services
Our Services
The VIM Process

Our Proven 4-Step Process



Phone or Video Call

  • This initial conversation is an opportunity for you to share what you are seeking in team coaching. 
  • We will talk about our process and the importance of confidentiality.

We provide you with the Confidential Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ) and proceed with the discovery meeting.


Discovery Meeting

  • We use your CAQ to discuss existing challenges, identify primary stressors and understand goals for you and your team
  • We present program details and review options for how we may best work together.
  • We discuss your schedule, time frame, and our fee structure.

Customized Plan

  • We deliver a detailed program that addresses your team’s needs, with your goals, timeline, and budget in mind.
  • Review our Services page for examples of our team development modules.

The Journey Begins