VIM Team Coaching and  Development

Are you seeking to discover what is getting in the way of achieving best business results? Our time tested, proprietary process offers you the flexibility to meet your specific circumstances with a structured process that delivers results quickly.

We offer coaching and tailored services for executive teams in Denver/ Boulder and Nationwide.

How We Do It

Two Reasons VIM Business Coaching Services are So Effective


A powerful combination of practical solutions and mindfulness practice
Our coaching combines practical, bottom-line business consulting with mindfulness practices that deliver dynamic solutions to your immediate pain points while providing the depth needed to unravel and transform complex challenges.

Our Coaching Process

Our coaches bring real-world experience first, coaching and mentoring second
While well-meaning, many coaches have little more than a certificate from an online coaching course or coaching franchise. While certain coaching skills can be learned, the most important benefits a business coach offers come only after years of “in the trenches” experience.

Our founder owned several successful businesses and, over the years, built a team of comparably knowledgeable coaches. This team offers an almost unimaginable depth of wisdom combining their real-world business experience with exceptional coaching skills.

Meet The Coaches

Are You The Right Fit for VIM Team Coaching Services?

Coaching is a special relationship that requires chemistry. You want to be sure you select the right coach for your team. Similarly, we want to work with clients that fit our style.

Below are common attributes that would make your team a good candidate for our services.

  • Your team is not communicating effectively
  • Your team does not have clarity on the team’s and/or company’s common values and goals
  • Select team members lack self-awareness and/or the team as a whole lacks team-awareness
  • Your team is facing challenging and complex problems and is not equipped to solve them
  • The team’s decision-making skills are ineffective
  • There are personality conflicts within the team that are impeding progress
  • Your company and/or team is going through a change, and they need guidance during the transition

If any of the above statements about your team resonate with you, we encourage you to contact us to schedule your initial call.

Contact Us

Tailored Team Development

Our menu of coaching and interactive sessions, as shown below, target specific pain points and maximize the results you and your team are seeking.

Building Team Agreements

Establish team agreements to gain clarity on how your team will work together, anything from meeting etiquette to conflict management. Your team will review (or establish) the company/team values. Based on those, they will create team agreements and design a process to assess the ongoing impact of those agreements.

Establishing Mindful Team Rituals

Your team members will learn how to support the agreements they established by first conducting a retrospective ritual using a real-life experience. The team will also be introduced to a variety of VIM’s most effective concepts which can be adopted as rituals by the team as appropriate. Examples include:

  • Practical Mindfulness Techniques
  • Emotional/Positive Intelligence Tools
  • Responding vs. Reacting & the Art of Pause
  • Assuming Positive Intent
  • Practicing Acceptance (all pain comes from resistance)

Cultivating a Mindful Team

Often, the most important and challenging issues never surface because teams do not have the relationships, structure and lexicon to address them safely. In this session, your team will develop the foundational skills and confidence necessary to solve your most difficult problems. This is accomplished by individuals first going on an introspective journey completing VIM’s proprietary Honesty and Fear exercises. The team will then explore the principles from the book Fierce Conversations and, in combination with what they learned about honesty and fear, they will discover together how to have the Fierce Conversations that matter most.

Practicing as a Mindful Team

This module encapsulates all of the content learned to date and goals established for the team going forward. In addition, your team will learn the powerful complex problem-solving tool of mind mapping, and using all of the tools and techniques acquired will brainstorm, collaborate, and come up with an innovative solution to a current problem.

Individual Leader Coaching

To complement our core Team training and coaching sessions, we also offer Individual Introspection and Development. This work is intended to be done in tandem with our core Team coaching and development. This content is determined by the individual coach and based on the needs of each client.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to schedule your complimentary 30 min Team Coaching needs assessment.

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