Mind Map: My Search For A Meaningful & Authentic Career Path

Right Side: What Am I Seeking? (Outcomes)

The objective of the right side of the map is to gain clarity of what you are seeking on your path, by answering “What Am I Seeking? (Outcomes)”. You will examine your definitions of external and internal abundance, and explore your skills/talents and your passions.

Mind map

All of the work we will do in creating this mind map begins with giving yourself the opportunity to deeply reflect and record your reflections. It is important to set aside at least 15-30 minutes, to find a quiet space and to write your thoughts and ideas down onto a piece of paper.

Quiet zone sign
Pen and paperThinking cloudWriting


External Abundance

First, we are going to explore External Abundance. This abundance is based on external events, tangibles and the “things” that make us happy. External abundance goals are essentially tangible, outward and experiential in nature.

On a piece of paper write down the external goals/objectives you are seeking to obtain from the results of your work in your career path or current position. This may take you a few sittings or more to complete. If you’re feeling stuck, please reach out to your coach.

External Abundance:






Internal Abundance

Next, we will explore Internal Abundance. This abundance is based on internal feelings and intangibles such as meaning, purpose and inner joy you are seeking in your life and career path. Internal abundance goals are essentially intangible, inward, and rooted in feeling and inner knowing.

Write down the internal gains you are seeking to obtain in your life and work. If you have any questions, please reach out to your coach.

Internal Abundance:






Note to Coach

If your client is feeling stuck in their search, in order to give them more clarity on what they are seeking on their path, draw from the below examples of external abundance that have been sought by VIM clients.

This is your personal list to help your clients complete their individual list. It will likely include desired possessions/material things such as money, vehicles, a comfortable place to live, being able to afford the basics of everyday life, and things that help us feel better about ourselves. This VIM list will continue grow. Please add to it as you work with your clients and they share with you what they are seeking.

External Abundance:

  • Money
  • Travel
  • Home(s)
  • Education
  • Growth
  • Build Teams/Individuals
  • Retirement
  • Create Innovative Change
  • Security/Comfort
  • Financial Freedom
  • Fulfillment
  • Strong Portfolio
  • Legacy
  • Independence/Freedom
  • Achievement/Recognition
  • Authentic Leadership

Internal Abundance

Next, we will explore Internal Abundance. This abundance is based on internal feelings and intangibles such as meaning, purpose and inner joy you are seeking in your life and career path. Internal abundance goals are essentially intangible, inward, and rooted in feeling and inner knowing.

Write down the internal gains you are seeking to obtain in your life and work. If you have any questions, please reach out to your coach.

Internal Abundance:






Sit with this. When you are ready, print the Right 1/2 wireframe map and write your external and internal objectives down on your printed map.

Note to Coach

If your client is feeling stuck on their inner abundance search, you can provide them with the examples below that have been sought by VIM clients. This will give them more clarity as to what they are seeking on their path. This VIM list will continue to grow, please add to it as you work with your clients.

Internal Abundance:            

  • Growth
  • Family
  • Love
  • Health
  • Meaning
  • Exploration
  • Creativity
  • Freedom
  • Spirituality
  • Inner joy
  • Self- Actualization
  • Travel

Optimize My Skills/Talents

We will now examine the key skills/talents that will play a key role in achieving it. We are going to identify and explore your individual personal gifts, skills, talents which give you fulfillment and meaning. Succinctly put, this is part of your true, authentic being.

Through your exploration, you may find that these may or may not be the very skills that have brought you financial or career success in previous endeavors. Some of these skills, may have been required in a certain industry sector you excelled at, but perhaps did not bring you fulfillment or meaning, while other skills may be more latent in your unconscious and were not necessarily tasked. You may need these skills on your new path, but they may not take you to the next level. They may have have served you well in the past, and will likely serve you well in the future. However, what we are seeking here are the skills, talents that you excel at, and will give you fulfillment and meaning in your future authentic life and career.

Be patient with yourself and do your best to keep an open mind as you explore to form your answers. Please do your best to complete each list.

Once again, you will set aside time to give yourself an opportunity to deeply reflect on what you are seeking. Write down the meaningful and energizing skills and talents you are seeking to nurture and grow.

My skills, talents, and gifts I want to take to the next level:






Sit with this. When you are ready, write these down on your printed Right 1/2 wireframe map.

Note to Coach

If your client is feeling stuck on their skill search, you can provide them more clarity by  sharing examples listed below. This VIM list, like the others, will continue to grow. Please add to it as you work with your clients.


  • Technology
  • Sales
  • Teach others
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Guide others
  • Build teams
  • Create Processes
  • Complex problem solving
  • Conflict management/resolution
  • Strategizing
  • Marketing
  • Build Trust
  • Creativity
  • Finance
  • Financial analysis
  • Planning
  • Executing- Plans, Ideas, Concepts
  • Craftsmanship/Artisan
  • Intuition
  • Empathy
  • Listening

Additional Note to Coach

This is an optional exercise.

Identify individuals in your life- your significant other, a key friend, or others, who you know and who know you very well, and who can give you a rigorously honest perspective of how they see you and what gifts, talents or skills you bring to the world. Here is what you might ask them:

“I am doing some work with my career transition coach on life and career transitioning. I have been asked to create a list of five of my greatest skills, talents, and gifts that I want to take to the next level. What gifts, talents or skills do you think I uniquely bring to the world?”.

Afterwards, please share the initial list you created with them.

Next, create a second list:

Poignant reflections from my friends and loved ones on my skills, talents, and gifts that I want to take to the next level:






To finalize this process, once again set aside time and find a quiet space to give yourself an opportunity to deeply reflect and write. Now, complete your final list:

My skills, talents, and gifts I want to take to the next level:






Please use this optional exercise throughout the Mind Mapping Workbook when you feel it is appropriate and useful. You may use this format or simply ask your client to, “Consider asking key others in your life for their perspectives on this.”

Optimize My Passions

Our passions can be viewed as a conscious igniter of our thoughts and actions. What are your intense desires or enthusiasm for something that gives you zeal, vigor, meaning in your work, lightness to your being? This inner exploration is less about your mind, your ideas and your values, and more about what nurtures your heart and spirit. Be gentle and patient with yourself.

As before, give yourself an opportunity to deeply reflect on your passions and to write. Go to your quiet space with pen and paper in hand and gently focus on your feelings and passions. As they surface, write down what is being transmitted from your mind, heart and spirit to your consciousness. As you write, your passions will begin to take form as the passions of your true, authentic being.

My passions I want to optimize:






If you need clarity, please reach out to your coach. When you are ready, write these down on your printed Right 1/2 wireframe map.

Note to Coach

If your client is feeling stuck on their passion search, you can provide them more clarity on the passions they want to optimize with those chosen by VIM clients below. Please add to this VIM list as you work with your clients.


  • Technology
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Selling
    • Individuals
    • Groups
    • Closing
  • Teaching
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Guiding others
  • Communication
    • Speaking
    • Listening
    • Writing
  • Building teams
  • Creating Processes
  • Complex problem solving
  • Conflict management/resolution
  • Strategizing
  • Planning
  • Marketing
  • Build Trust
  • Creativity
  • Finance
  • Analytics
  • Financial analysis
  • Big Picture Financial analysis
  • Tactical Operation Execution
  • Planning
  • Executing -Plans, Ideas, Concepts
  • Craftsman/Artisan
  • Dissecting Data
  • Public Speaking
  • Political acumen
  • Focus
  • Story telling
  • Reframing
  • Trust
  • Service to Others

You have now completed the first part of your mind map (the right side) on your search for a meaningful and authentic career path. You examined what you are seeking and deeply explored how you define abundance, your skills and your passions. Next, we will work on the left side of your wireframe mind map.

Note to Coach
Session 1: What Am I Seeking? (Outcomes)

Initial Conversation with client:

  • Review Right 1/2 Map (What Am I Seeking?) with client, discuss client’s answers and answer any questions.
  • Once you have completed the review of the Right Map, continue…
  • Let your client know that you “will be sending them two links:
  • The first link is the exercise- My Current Endeavor which takes you through the upper left side of the map
  • The second link is the Left 1/2 wireframe map
  • Please review both and let me know if you have any questions. You will take notes and answer questions as you explore the upper left side of the map. When you have completed the exercise, print the Left 1/2 Map and transfer your final written answers to the printed map. Please take a photo of your completed upper Left 1/2 Map, and send it to me before our next Mind Mapping session. Please let me know if you have any questions”.
  • Send your client the two links: