Gold star award trophy

And, the Winner for Best Executive Leader is…

May 1, 2023

Most every year, right around this time, VIM Executive Coaching (as are you, we’re sure) are treated to an entire variety of awards programming. Whether you like movies, television, music, sports or most any other field of interest including cats and dogs, chances are there is an awards show for you. Then there are prestigious association awards for most outstanding this, most innovative that and certainly, the Best 30 entrepreneurs under 30 or 50 under fifty or, who know what?

It got us to thinking about executive leadership.

Thank goodness for small miracles

A friend of VIM Executive Coaching recently asked if we knew of a national award given to the best executive leader. Of course, there are all kinds of annual awards given by online magazines, trade publications, prestigious business schools and podcasters who claim to know the best executive leader; the big shot, the top of the list, the leader’s leader.

It is our happy duty to report and (thank goodness for small miracles) there is no academy award type statue given by “impartial” judges nor are their expensive gift bags or even T-shirts for Best Executive Leader. It is just as well.

As we have been executive business coaches for quite some time, the thought of trying to fit all executive leaders into a mold and doling out an award is frightening to say the least. We know that despite its attempts to be forward thinking and contemporary in all things, even Hollywood types look and act remarkably the same. It is frightening.

Why is it frightening? Whether Hollywood, food processing or finance, once “the ideal” is established, when the leader falls off – even ever so slightly – they are out. They fall from top to bottom in no time. There are no allowances or adjustments allowed. When an executive leader or the leader is found to have a flaw, it is over.

Truth is, there are never set standards. The star of the 1970s would most probably be booed off stage in 2023. The hi-tech genius of last month is often regarded as a fool this month. The executive leader of a bank last week, might be on their way to prison this week!

In mission or ideal or standard, to try to always maintain what is perceived as the perfect executive leader is impossible.

What is possible then?

There is a beautifully, flawed, sometimes tragic or triumphant aspect to all of us. We are all unique, perfect and imperfect at the same time. And, it is lovely. When we recognize these nuances within ourselves, we can appreciate and bring them out in others. It is called being mindful.

There can never be a perpetually award-winning, perpetually perfect executive leader because none of us are perfect. What is possible for all of us is to be as complete and as authentic as possible right here and right now.

The best executive leader does not have a Hollywood look. The best executive leader is without race or religion or gender or political persuasion or social agenda, rather all of them. The best executive leaders have the ability to listen, to respond and not react, to be human in the moment and “view the world” in all its entirety as a flawed, but altogether promising place.

VIM Executive Coaching is not concerned with executive leadership awards, but with helping executives along their journey to be better versions of themselves as leaders. It is an altogether satisfying mission. As we are, like it or not, all in this together.

VIM Executive Coaching offers dynamic, highly effective coaching programs for executives and entrepreneurs. Our unique approach combines ancient wisdom and techniques with modern approaches. We would be happy to offer you a FREE, NO OBLIGATION coaching consultation! Please click on the link below.

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